Summer update

June 22, 2020

There's no new post this week. Why? Because it's summer and I have been prioritizing regaining strength after a year of intense work (not mentioning a pandemic). Instead, I wanted to give you three updates:

1. Pick my brain re-opens in the fall!

I've had a couple of requests for work just like this in the last weeks so starting August, you can get access to me on a short-term basis. Do you want to bounce ideas for a product? Do you want to accelerate UX within your organisation? Or do you want to personally accelerate? Either way, I'm open for consulting! Find out more and book your spot: Pick my brain

2. Let's meet!

One of the few positives of not having a dog with me at work anymore (😢) is I'm far more flexible when it comes to traveling. So if you want to schedule something in-person for the fall, I'm open for it! That could be a workshop where we define the core features of your product or a review of your current product along with a time plan of necessary fixes going forward. While I love working remotely, some meetings are better in person. E-mail me!

3. Tell me what you want, what you really really want

I've written my blog for nearly 7 years and had this newsletter for just about as long. There's still a few of you here from the very beginning - thank you - although I think I may have forced you to join. Care to help me continue providing you with insights? Answer these quick questions (less than 2 minutes)!

I'll be back with a new post in about a month or so. Until then, I hope you're having a great summer and taking time to just... breathe again. If you want to tell me or ask me anything, just hit reply. I respond to every email 😃

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