The path of a successful app
June 2, 2015
Thought this was a great post from Benjamin Burger on how to build great user experiences.
While the entire post is read-worthy for anyone even remotely interested in building digital experiences, there’s one passage where I think Benjamin really nails it:
The best way for it to be downloaded, is to be shared;
The best way for it to be shared, is to be used;
The best way for it to be used is to have a proper onboarding, explaining clearly how to use it and why I will use it.
It’s so often that we focus on the wrong things, assuming that the user is overly interested in our product and willing to spend minutes just “trying” our app out when in reality we’ll be happy to get a more than 10 seconds. With a complicated sign up/sign in process, we won’t even get that much.
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