Clip sharing with Overcast
April 29, 2019
Sharing clips with @OvercastFM is what I’ve been waiting for for ages! Thank you @marcoarment.
— Anton Sten 🐶 (@antonsten) April 29, 2019
And thank you @SamHarrisOrg and @johannhari101 for this amazing episode.
Clip sharing of podcasts is something that's been on my wishlist for a long long time, so I was extremely happy to read about this update from Overcast. From a user experience perspective, I really enjoyed the simple sharing process and as podcasts have started to get longer and longer (many up to two hours), it's asking a lot of someone to say "you should listen to this episode" when most of the times, it's a specific clip you want them to listen to.
Secondly, as actions are put in motion to limit the availability and freedom that we've always enjoyed from podcasts, I think this is a way in the opposite direction which I fully support. Thank you Marco.
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