The Netflix Binge Factory

June 15, 2018

Mysterious though it may seem, Netflix operates by a simple logic, long understood by such tech behemoths as Facebook and Amazon: Growth begets more growth begets more growth. When Netflix adds more content, it lures new subscribers and gets existing ones to watch more hours of Netflix. As they spend more time watching, the company can collect more data on their viewing habits, allowing it to refine its bets about future programming. ‘More shows, more watching; more watching, more subs; more subs, more revenue; more revenue, more content,’ explains Ted Sarandos, Netflix’s chief content officer.The Netflix Binge Factory

I love Netflix - I think they provide a great service and have produced some of the best shows as of lately. But this is exactly the kind of thinking I’m becoming increasingly tired of seeing and reading about in this industry; it’s all just more, more, more.

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