Inside Facebook´s Hellish Two Years

February 19, 2018

It appears that Facebook did not, however, carefully think through the implications of becoming the dominant force in the news industry. Everyone in management cared about quality and accuracy, and they had set up rules, for example, to eliminate pornography and protect copyright. But Facebook hired few journalists and spent little time discussing the big questions that bedevil the media industry. What is fair? What is a fact? How do you signal the difference between news, analysis, satire, and opinion? Facebook has long seemed to think it has immunity from those debates because it is just a technology company - one that has built "a platform for all ideas".

One of the biggest impact on my personal mental health for the past year was to cut down my Facebook usage to a minimum. I don't have the app installed on my phone and I logout of the browser session every time I've visited (making it more of a hassle to log back in). Whenever I visit, I'm reminded of all the passive (not to mention active) hate that flows through Facebook.

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