Why Can Everyone Spot Fake News But YouTube, Facebook And Google?

March 19, 2018

The companies ask that we take them at their word: We’re trying, but this is hard — we can’t fix this overnight. OK, we get it. But if the tech giants aren’t finding the same misinformation that observers armed with nothing more sophisticated than access to a search bar are in the aftermath of these events, there’s really only one explanation for it: If they can’t see it, they aren’t truly looking.

How hard would it be, for example, to have a team in place reserved exclusively for large-scale breaking news events to do what outside observers have been doing: scan and monitor for clearly misleading conspiratorial content inside its top searches and trending modules?

It’s not a foolproof solution. But it’s something.Why Can Everyone Spot Fake News But YouTube, Facebook And Google?

YouTube claims it's impossible for them to being able to identify and pull right-wing content - even of convicted Nazi's. Somehow it's pretty great at quickly identifying porn, licensed movies and music videos though.

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