It Doesn’t Have to Be Crazy at Work

March 23, 2018

Out of the 60, 70, 80 hours a week many are expected to pour into work, how many of those hours are really spent on the work itself? And how many are tossed away in meetings, lost to distraction, and withered away by inefficient business practices? The bulk.

The answer isn’t more hours, it’s less bullshit. Less waste, not more production. And far fewer things that induce distraction, always-on anxiety, and stress.

Stress is an infection passed down from organization to employee, from employee to employee, and then from employee to customer. And it’s becoming resistant to traditional treatments. The same old medicine is only making it worse.

And remember, stress can not be contained. It never stops at the edge of work. It always bleeds into life. It infects your relationships with your friends, your family, your kids.

If it’s constantly crazy at work, we have two words for you: Fuck that. And two more: Enough already.It Doesn't Have to Be Crazy at Work

Very excited about the upcoming book from 37Signals - It Doesn't Have to Be Crazy at Work.

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