The Long Goodbye (To Facebook)

September 12, 2018

I took a Facebook vacation about a year ago. It became a long break. And now it is a permanent vacation. Why? Because I don’t need it and don’t miss it. I left, not because of the company’s dodgy approach to privacy, data accumulation or its continued denial of its impact on shaping modern society. I left because it was making me someone I am not — someone who lives life through the eyes of others. There is a hard edge in Facebook life. People are always fronting — putting their best life forward. Just like startup life these days.The Long Goodbye (To Facebook){:target=”_blank”}

No single decision I've made in the last year has had a more positive effect on my life than deleting my Facebook account. I'm down to checking in on Instagram every 2 or 3 days and I think before the end of the year I will have deleted the app from my phone (I've already moved it off my home screen).

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