
What I'm up to now

  • I'm back from New York - it was a great (but hot!) week with the Summer Health team. While I love working remotely from my home, there's a special feeling when we all meet up in-person.
  • I'm also an AirBnB superhost and the summer's are really our high season so there's more work - but fun work.
  • Summers are the best
  • Switching more to Threads from X

Updated July 22, 2024

Most websites have a link that says “about”. It goes to a page that tells you something about the background of this person or business. For short, people just call it an “about page”.

So a website with a link that says “now” goes to a page that tells you what this person is focused on at this point in their life. For short, we call it a “now page”.

Navigating design

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